Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Trekkin' for Ta-Tas is doing a fundraiser! Rock, Paper, Scissors is an adorable jewelry site that specializes in cute pendants, rings, keychains, etc. Fifty percent of proceeds from any purchase will be donated to our team!

You can purchase items directly from the Rock, Papers, Scissors site,

Please enter the code trekkin for any order you place so that we will be credited for the order.

Thank you so much for supporting our team!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pink Glove Dance!

I stumbled across this vid today of the Providence St. Vincent Medical Center performing the Pink Glove Dance for breast cancer awareness! Apparently it's huge and I've been living under a rock (or somewhere besides youtube) (or HEY! on a walking track!) because I hadn't seen it, yet.

I love it all, but I think the funniest part has to be the woman in the background in the waiting area. She NEVER moves! Doesn't look real at all!

I hope my teammates don't get any pink ideas that we have to wear these things...I think they smell funky.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shopping Counts as Training, too! Right?

Here it is. The first of what I'm sure will be many splurges I'll blame on the 3-Day. I tried so hard to resist this, the most over-priced water bottle that ever lived. But it's so PINK...that I just couldn't. It just insisted I take it home with me. Who was I to argue?

Then a few days later, I wandered into this foreign section I'd never been in before. It was called something like...CAMPING...and it had all this strange gear I've never had any desire whatsoever to own. I made lots of mental notes about googling what 10-degrees means on those sleeping bag thingies. And then I found this, the first fanny pack to audition for my walk.

It came with the water bottles. The entire set only cost $4.97 more than my pink water bottle cost all by itself.

Seriously, though, do you think I have enough water bottles?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Am I the only one who freaks out a little bit when I see the countdown on the Participant Center page?

I mean, there it is blaring at me in black and white...

254 days until the event!

Okay, that's still a long time, and a whole lotta training days left. And I'm so excited about it, I can't wait!

But still... *gulp*

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Four Miles!

I'm up to four miles! At least I was on Saturday anyway!